While Realme has just announced its new Narzo-series devices in India, there appears to be another product on the horizon already. The Realme X50m is likely the next phone that the company is going to announce after it was reportedly spotted on the support page of its official website. Reliable tipster Ishan Agarwal was the first…
While Realme has just announced its new Narzo-series devices in India, there appears to be another product on the horizon already. The Realme X50m is likely the next phone that the company is going to announce after it was reportedly spotted on the support page of its official website. Reliable tipster Ishan Agarwal was the first to alert about this new information and it shows the Realme X50m alongside a variety of upcoming products like the Narzo-series and Realme Band.
United States
USA — IT Realme X50m 5G Listed on Brand’s Official Website in India, Launch Expected...