Домой United States USA — software What planes and airports are available in Microsoft Flight Simulator?

What planes and airports are available in Microsoft Flight Simulator?


Here’s every plane and airport featured at release in Microsoft Flight Simulator, grouped by whether you buy the Standard, Deluxe or Premium edition.
Here’s every plane and airport featured at release in Microsoft Flight Simulator, grouped by whether you buy the Standard, Deluxe or Premium edition.
Here’s every plane and airport featured at release in Microsoft Flight Simulator, grouped by whether you buy the Standard, Deluxe or Premium edition.
Microsoft Flight Simulator – the shiny new version of your dad’s favourite flight sim – is chock-full of “X times bigger than Skyrim” boasts. It’s the poster child for open-world oneupmanship.
Featuring a “vast and beautiful world that is our planet with more than 1.5 billion buildings, 2 trillion trees, mountains, roads, rivers and more” and “live traffic, real-time weather and animals”, the latest, Azure Cloud-powered Microsoft Flight Simulator is an enormous package.
But in actual fact, it’s three packages: Standard, Deluxe, and Premium Edition. They’re priced at £59.99, £79.99, and £109.99 respectively, and feature a different selection of aircraft and airports depending on the version of Microsoft Flight Simulator you buy.
We don’t expect this list to remain exhaustive forever. We’re sure Microsoft will either patch in more planes and airports or, more likely, sell them as DLC bundles at a later date. But right now, on the game’s run-in to release, here’s every airport and every plane that’s in Microsoft Flight Simulator.
Every airport in Standard Edition, plus
Every airport in Standard and Deluxe Edition, plus
Every plane in Standard Edition, plus
Every plane in Standard and Deluxe Edition, plus
For everyone who’s not counting, that stacks up as follows:
Which is a lot of stuff, sure. But whether it’s worth paying an extra fifty quid to be able to land at Denver in a Cirrus SR22? That’s for the player to decide.
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Tom is an itinerant freelance technology writer who found a home as an Editor with Thumbsticks. Powered by coffee, RPGs, and local co-op.
Release date, pricey special editions revealed for Microsoft Flight Simulator
Warning: This article will contain general location, character and story spoilers for The Last of Us Part II.
Warning: This article will contain general location, character and story spoilers for The Last of Us Part II.
You’ll be familiar with the title screen of The Last of Us Part II, even if you’ve not played the game. Why? Because reviewers tweeted out the title screen weeks before the game even released. (A secondary embargo for when you can tell people you’ve got the game – and limiting the visual bits you can use on your social media to just the title screen – is now a thing. It’s weird, we know.)
But you know what the title screen looks like, that’s the important thing. It’s a small motorboat, bobbing around, in the fog. It’s simultaneously serene and ominous, something that The Last of Us does especially well as a series.
When you complete The Last of Us Part II, however, the title screen changes. There’s the obligatory New Game Plus mode, of course, but the visuals have changed, too.
It’s still a boat – a similar-looking one, at that – but it’s in a different setting. Gone is the fog and the gloom, replaced instead with waves, crashing on a sandy beach, and a circular white building in the distance.
Where is it, though?
First up, the straightforward bit: It’s Santa Catalina Island in Southern California, or just Catalina for short.
You might be thinking it could be absolutely anywhere, but that round, white building is really distinctive. Here’s a side-by-side comparison:
Source (top): Flickr| Source (bottom): Naughty Dog
(It’s not exactly the same angle and the design is slightly stylised, but the building is the Catalina Island Casino Ballroom and Theater, in case you were wondering. It’s located in Avalon, the largest settlement on Catalina.)
Don’t worry if you thought you’d missed something on your playthrough, though. You don’t actually visit Catalina, the location of the new title screen, on a playthrough of The Last of Us Part II.
But it is somewhere that’s been mentioned in the game. Here come the spoilers. Seriously. Get out of here if you’ve not finished The Last of Us Part II yet.
So, you’ve nearly completed The Last of Us Part II. You’ve done the prologue, including the upsetting bit. You’ve completed the three days of Seattle as Ellie, then you’ve gone back and done it all again from Abby’s point of view. You’ve been to the farm with Ellie, Dina and the potato, and now you’re back in Abby’s shoes, in Santa Barbara.
Why? Because, before he died, Owen had been fixing up a sailboat and planned to make his way from Seattle to Santa Barbara, looking for the Fireflies.
Abby and her friends were all originally Fireflies. They were displaced and joined the WLF looking for a new cause after the Salt Lake City incident with Joel and Marlene, but Owen had been hearing rumours that the Fireflies were getting the band back together.
He had heard from multiple people that the Fireflies had a presence in Santa Barbara. Abby dismissed it all as rumour at the time, but with Owen now gone and no other focus for her and Lev, chasing down the Fireflies seems like as good a plan as any other.
So they heard to Santa Barbara and – after trading a pistol for some information – find themselves on Constance Avenue, looking for number 2425.
The house is empty but, hidden in the basement, they find a small barracks with beds, supplies, and a radio. Next to the radio, Lev finds a list:
They proceed to call what they presume to be Firefly bases and get nothing but static. Abby has all but given up hope when “Catalina” responds. She introduces herself as a former Firefly and asks to come in. They test her on who was in charge at her last post, at Saint Mary’s Hospital in Salt Lake City. When Abby answers correctly – it was her father – she and Lev make to leave for Catalina, then get abducted by a group of human traffickers called the Rattlers on the driveway to the house.
And we all just assumed that it was the Rattlers on the radio, right? Messing with people, perhaps. Or, more likely, using whispers, the promise of a group of Fireflies to lure people to the house, and the radio as a notification that someone had stepped into the trap.

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