Домой United States USA — software Java and Hibernate: Entity Management in Multi-Client, Single Codebase Apps

Java and Hibernate: Entity Management in Multi-Client, Single Codebase Apps


This tutorial covers one approach to handling multiple kinds of client requests and entity management while keeping your codebase simple.
Join the DZone community and get the full member experience. When developing an application for only one client or only a single version, the main subjects you focus on are how to implement the features, security, performance, design, time to market, etc. What will happen if the number of clients increases, and each one of them has different requests that contradict each other? Are we going to duplicate our codebase and have different apps, which we have to implement common features to every instance separately? Or are we going to manage them from one codebase? Diversity in labels might be managed with different property files, but will this be enough for all kinds of requests? The flow in the logic might be directed with control blocks. What will happen to them when you have 100 different clients? What will happen to the readability/manageability of the code? We might decide to extract the logic that differs from one client to another and have multiple microservices. This will allow us to have clean code, but will we be able to turn all the logic that differs from client to client into microservices? Is our structure suitable for this process? How about managing and deploying all those services? Is it worth the cost? The method(s) we choose depends on the structure of our app, variety and frequency of requests, deployment strategies, time to market, number of development teams and their members, client support strategies, etc. For this reason, there is no single correct method.

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