Домой United States USA — Art Andrew McCarthy: Supreme Court and Texas abortion ban — the law is...

Andrew McCarthy: Supreme Court and Texas abortion ban — the law is in effect but nothing has happened


Once, when Shakespeare crafted a tale of comic intrigue, he called it «Much Ado about Nothing.» The title would be just as apt for the Supreme Court ’s …
Once, when Shakespeare crafted a tale of comic intrigue, he called it «Much Ado about Nothing.» The title would be just as apt for the Supreme Court ’s late night INACTION Wednesday in what is best understood as a non- case about Texas’s fetal heartbeat law. Because the matter involves the Left’s most sacred cow, abortion, there is the now-familiar hysteria. Yet, nothing has really happened. All the Court did, because it could not properly do otherwise, is let the Texas law go into effect. Naturally, there came strident dissents from four justices – Chief Justice John Roberts, along with the tribunal’s three progressives, Justices Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan. We’re talking abortion here, and since there is nothing in the Constitution about abortion, and certainly no RIGHT to terminate the lives of unborn children, the Left has for a half-century substituted stridency for jurisprudence. But it’s just noise. Contrary to media-Democrat complex demagoguery, the Court has not green-lighted restrictions on abortion that gut Roe v. Wade. Indeed, the five-justice majority was emphatic that it was not rendering a decision on the contested provision’s validity: «[W]e stress that we do not purport to resolve definitively any jurisdictional or substance claim in the applicants’ lawsuit. In particular, this order is not based on any conclusion about the constitutionality of Texas’s law[.]» The law prohibits abortion, except in the case of a medical emergency, «if the physician detected a fetal heartbeat for the unborn child… or failed to perform a test to detect a fetal heartbeat.

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