A detailed guide that helps players locate and tame the reptile-like beast called Morellatops in Ark Scorched Earth.
The Morellatops is an animal that’s not only exclusive to the Ark Scorched Earth expansion pack and may also be found on the maps for Ragnarok, Extinction, Crystal Isles, and Lost Island.
With their reptile-like exterior and distinctive humps on their rear ends that can hold a lot of water, these enormous beasts are easy to identify. In desert-like environments, Morellatops typically scavenge for fruit or tree sap in smaller units.
They are generally accustomed to human existence because of their somewhat symbiotic connection. When attacked, they can flee rapidly, making it difficult for players to pursue them because of the desert’s intense temperature.
If you are interested in taming a Morellatops of your own in Ark Scorched Earth and building a mobile base on its back, this guide will provide you with its location on the Scorched Earth map and explain how to tame the Morellatops.