Домой United States USA — China Xi Jinping's rise could be beginning of the end for Communist China

Xi Jinping's rise could be beginning of the end for Communist China


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It was supposed to be a crowning moment for Chinese Communist Party boss Xi Jinping. The once-every-five-years national congress of party poohbahs would formally extend his tenure beyond two five-years terms—a coronation set in motion at the last congress in 2017 when party leaders ditched the custom of identifying an eventual successor. Xi would claim stature in China’s history not seen since murderous tyrant Mao Zedong ruled and China would continue its ascent to paramount world power, surmounting the United States.
But only one of those things has happened. Xi has in fact extended his tenure beyond the 10-year custom established after the dark days of Mao. With no successor identified and the party seemingly drained of rivals, he could be dictator for life. However, the greatness for China that Xi anticipated throughout the congress was called further into doubt. In the following week, some $6 trillion in Chinese stock market value has evaporated.
Many investors had expected Xi to announce a pivot from China’s zero-COVID policy, which has turned Chinese cities large and small into internment camps at times. Even a handful of positive test results can lead party officials to order millions to stay home. Xi not only declined to signal a shift; he went out of his way to declare the policy a success and a model. Going into winter when COVID prevalence often increases, this probably means China will hold onto its disastrous policy at least until late spring.

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