Домой United States USA — China If we’re serious about protecting American oil, China is only the beginning

If we’re serious about protecting American oil, China is only the beginning


Though we’re now in a new year, we continue to face the same global challenges we did in 2022. As Russia continues its war in Ukraine, North Korea steps up its provocations of the West, and the Iranian regime tightens its grip in the face of ongoing protests, the United States must confront multiple adversaries both economically and militarily. And we are. Bipartisan support for the Ukrainian people’s resistance has been just one inspiring piece of evidence that Americans can still come together to stand up to our adversaries around the globe. 
But tomorrow, Congress could miss a major opportunity. 
As part of our response to Putin’s invasion of Russia and the ensuing rise in energy costs, President Biden activated our Strategic Petroleum Reserve. This was an important part of our nation’s answer to Russia’s aggression and our own economic challenges. However, I was shocked to hear that companies connected to the Chinese government purchased some of this oil. Prompted by a constituent’s question during one of my town halls, I discovered that there is a loophole allowing companies and even adversarial governments to purchase oil released from America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve. What’s more, this loophole has been open for years, dating back to 2015. If there was ever an opportunity for bipartisan problem-solving, it’s closing this loophole.
I am glad that the new majority in the U.

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