Домой United States USA — Criminal Kevin McCarthy: Fraud, coward and pansy

Kevin McCarthy: Fraud, coward and pansy


I have talked extensively for two years now about the nonstop gaslighting, brainwashing and propaganda going on in America – a conspiracy of government (in particular, the Department of Justice and FBI), media, social media, Hollywood and, of course, the UniParty (Democrats combined with RINO fraud Republicans).
This week we have witnessed one of the best examples ever: the Rep. Kevin McCarthy House speaker saga.
McCarthy is a prime example of a UniParty fraud: He is a D.C. swamp, deep-state RINO fake who backstabbed former President Donald Trump and then raised money to attack and defeat Trump-backed, America First, MAGA candidates in the 2022 election. He is the worst kind of fraud, coward and pansy.
Trump argued with me on my Real America’s Voice TV show «America’s Top Ten Countdown» last week that Sen. Mitch McConnell is even worse and that McCarthy would be better than a lot of other horrible choices for House speaker. Basically, Trump was arguing «everyone in the D.C. swamp sucks, so let’s settle for the best of the worst.»
I disagree 110%.
I want to remind Trump of how he became one of the wealthiest and most famous human beings in world history. By never settling. By aiming for the stars. By never accepting less than No. 1. No one – including Trump – ever got famous by aiming for the lowest common denominator. You aim for the stars; you don’t aim for the curb.
Kevin McCarthy is the curb.
Being «the best of the worst» is not something to vote for. I’m a Republican-conservative patriot. I want conservative, America First, MAGA patriots to lead my party. I want a general to lead us into battle. Not a wishy-washy, middle-of-the-road, RINO fraud who never fails to disappoint conservatives, but always caves to Democrats. That’s McCarthy.
Did you know McCarthy gets an «F» liberty score from Conservative Review?
Do you think Democrats would vote for a House speaker who gets an F in socialism, green energy, open borders and social justice? No way.

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