Today’s Wordle answer involves a tricky letter combination, but the word itself is so common that you’ll figure it out with these hints and tips.
Having solved a few hundred Wordle puzzles, we’ve observed one thing: most answers are either obscure words with simple letter combinations or common words with difficult letter combinations. On lucky days you might get a common word with a simple letter combination, but today is not one of those days. The answer to today’s Wordle puzzle falls in the latter category — it’s in common usage but the letter arrangement might not occur to you before you run out of attempts.
To help, we’ll share a few hints that should help you crack the code in fewer tries, and we’ll also reveal the full answer in the second section, so you can skip ahead if you prefer to cut to the chase. The word you’re looking for can be a noun, verb, or adjective describing a posture of crouching low to the ground. It’s a common exercise position targeted at building the glutes and calf muscles.