Домой United States USA — software Businesses need to be thinking about their Unified Communications strategy

Businesses need to be thinking about their Unified Communications strategy


As the nation prepares for the great ISDN Switchover in 2025.
The pandemic changed the way that businesses operate with more workers opting for hybrid or completely remote working models.
While adapting to new methods has been easy for many, for some businesses introducing new technology has not been quite so simple. Following the ISDN switchover in 2025, unified communications systems will be the norm. So, it’s important for businesses to think about integrating these systems now to get ahead of the curve. 
Although working from home offers wider opportunities for employment and a better work-life balance, it seems that for many, technology is the biggest frustration for home workers. 
Recent research conducted by Vodafone and RingCentral, a leading global provider of cloud-based business communications and collaboration solutions, has revealed some of the problems for hybrid workers when working outside of the office and the frustration it causes.
Issues with broadband (25%) and tech not working properly (23%) were named by respondents as some of the most pressing issues. Video calls freezing mid-flow (15%) and calls dropping out (11%) also stood out as tech-related problems that could be easily tackled.

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