Домой United States USA — software When it comes to Linux distros, one person's molehill is another's mountain

When it comes to Linux distros, one person's molehill is another's mountain


Gosh, you’re a fussy old lot, aren’t you?
Comment There are lots of distros out there. Some people hop from one to another, some stay on the same one for decades. What constitutes a good enough reason?
For as long as there have been Linux distributions, there has been Linux distro advocacy – which in FOSS circles tends to mean people shouting at each other that they’re wrong. Computer advocacy goes way back before Linux, though; flame wars over which editor is best have a long and ignoble history. Maybe it’s Vi, maybe it’s Emacs.
Recently, a consistent theme, including in comments here on The Reg, is that Canonical has somehow gone astray with Ubuntu, and Snap is horribly broken, but people are seldom willing to give detailed specifics of what is broken and how. So when this vulture came across a detailed blog post, «Switching to Fedora from Ubuntu», which itself links to a «giant list of bugs» in Snap, he was instantly hooked. (The post, incidentally, has provoked lively discussions in several techie forums already, which seem roughly equally split between strong agreement and fervent denial. Which is exactly how it should be, of course.)
Isn’t it easier to just install a different browser package than change to a different distro? If someone really dislikes Snap that much, why not just remove it: dozens of sites will tell you how.
Lest this comment is misinterpreted: we are absolutely not saying that the Ubuntu refugee did anything wrong. He seems happy with his switch, and that’s what’s most important. He noted a daunting list of problems with Fedora: drivers, codecs, and third-party application compatibility issues.

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