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7 Iconic Anime Characters With Powers That Damage Their Bodies


Due to a number of reasons, when these individuals use their powers, they incur great risks.
With great powers come great responsibilities, but sometimes, they may be more than what these characters bargain for. There are so many main characters with mind-blowing powers that can destroy the most powerful villain, thus allowing them to save their world.
In order to reach their full potential, they have to undergo brutal and necessary training, and most times, it is more than what their human body can handle, therefore leading to complications. However, their will is much stronger, and even though their power can and does destroy their body, they never back down or give up; instead, they find a way to accustom their body to it. 7 Gray Fullbuster (Iced Shell)
Fairy Tail
Number of Episodes
As an Ice Mage, Gray can use his ice magic abilities to attack and defend himself in a fight. He has the understanding and ability to use Iced Shell, a powerful but very costly technique. He learned this technique from his master Ur and does not plan on using it unless the situation absolutely calls for it.
This technique can immobilize his opponent by permanently turning them into a huge block of ice, but in order for it to work, Gray will have to sacrifice his body and soul to trap his opponent in this unmeltable ice. This means he would also permanently freeze with his opponent. 6 Miroku (Wind Tunnel)
Number of Episodes
A generational curse turned into a powerful weapon. Naraku cursed Miroku’s grandfather and all the males from him with the wind tunnel, a hole that would eventually grow to suck and tear apart its wielder.
The wind tunnel has killed his grandfather and his father, and it is now Miroku’s turn, but luckily for him, he’s been able to control this curse and even use it as a weapon against his opponents. But as time progresses, the tunnel gets bigger, and Miroku loses control each time it does, telling him that he will inevitably suffer the same fate as his father and grandfather.

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