Домой United States USA — Financial Animal Shelter in Pennsylvania Is Empty for the First Time in 47...

Animal Shelter in Pennsylvania Is Empty for the First Time in 47 Years


The animal shelter in Adams County, Pa., experienced what many news outlets are calling a «Christmas miracle.» The shelter adopted out 598 animals and reunited another 125 lost pets with their owners, leaving all the cages empty for the first time in 47 years.
“To say that we are beyond excited is an understatement! The staff and volunteers have worked VERY hard to take care of the animals in our care and to make sure they got adopted to the right home!” reads the Facebook post.
It’s a remarkable feat. That it happened at Christmas isn’t surprising. Not only are puppies a popular Christmas gift, but this is a time of year when many animal lovers open their hearts to take in an older animal that might be especially hard to place.
Many times, the human is rewarded for their love with an incredible animal friend.

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