Домой United States USA — software 7 Best Video Game Drinking Games, Ranked

7 Best Video Game Drinking Games, Ranked


Hosting a party or just looking for some video game drinking game inspiration? Check out some great video game drinking game options here.
If there’s one thing people can trust others to do, it’s to make a drinking game out of anything. Cards, Phrases, movies…anything, someone has drank to it. The same is true in the video game realm. Players looking to get their game on whilst enjoying some hilarious drinking games have some exciting options here.
To keep the good times flowing, we’ve compiled and ranked seven great video game drinking games that players can enjoy alongside family and friends. We have the rules, we have the rankings; all that’s left to do is grab the alcohol, get some friends over, and read on. 7 Marvel Snap
The Rules: Simply launch a friendly game between the players, each of the players will start with 10 health. Each round, they’ll be wagering cubes (up to 8) per match to bet on their chances of winning. Losing the round means that the amount of points will be deducted from their total health. For the drinking game, we’re swapping out health points for sips, meaning how many cubes a player wagers will be how many sips they’ll be taking come that round’s end. If a player loses all 10 points, then they’ll be taking a shot to boot.
It’s early days for Marvel Snap but the cube system lends itself perfectly to being adjusted to a friendly drinking game. The reason it sits fairly low on the list is Marvel Snap is a strategic card game that unlocks stronger cards the more it’s played. Meaning, players that already have an account are sorted for a good time, but for any new players just coming into the fold, then understanding the locations and card abilities may make it a more daunting experience than a relaxing drinking game. 6 Fall Guys
The Rules: Fall Guys can be played remotely with friends as a drinking game, playing in a pre-made squad, or on the same couch with each drinker alternating turns after facing their punishments.
For more information on the Fall Guy Drinking game, head over to TheChuggernauts.

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