Домой United States USA — mix Biden (Finally) Speaks: The State of the Antisemitic State

Biden (Finally) Speaks: The State of the Antisemitic State


The unraveling of the Biden presidency is nearly complete. In the last weeks, two of the chief enclaves of antisemitic protests on college campuses, Columbia and UCLA, in two of the bluest states in the country, New York and California, have seen police move in to clear out encampments and arrests scores of misguided Marxist student protesters. Joe Biden has been silent. 
The feckless American president, after his initial response to the October 7th massacre in Southern Israel by Hamas, has tried to manage this entire crisis looking through an Electoral College lens. Both with regards to the war itself in the Middle East, and in polling domestically after several weeks of campus protests, this strategy is nothing short of catastrophic. 
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Two days ago, L.A. Mayor Karen Bass appeared on Morning Joe, and declared that the protest was peaceful, and this would all work itself out into an acceptable conclusion. 

10 hours later, Jews were being hunted in Westwood by the antisemitic mob. A Jewish female counter-protester was beaten unconscious. By nightfall, Jewish students had just about enough, and the direct confrontation took place, becoming an all-out riot. Police were called in to separate the sides, hoping they would both disburse. But they were not allowed to clear out the encampment. The antisemitism was allowed to fester.
The antisemites, of course, did not disburse. They fortified. Somehow, a bunch of college kids had the wherewithal and outside support to bring in E-Z Up tents, truckloads of 4 X 8 sheets of plywood, wooden pallets tied to metal barricades, and umbrellas to use as shields. In the pre-dawn hours of Thursday morning, California Highway Patrol, L.A.P.D., and what looked like L.A. County Sheriff deputies all converged in numbers, and told the protesters the time had come. We can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way. The antisemites, naturally, chose the hard way. The clearing out of debris — physical and human, commenced. 
Joe Biden is still silent. 
After several months of threatening, cajoling, and then going back to threatening the Israeli government some more to accept a ceasefire no other country with citizens still being held hostage would ever tolerate, Secretary of State Antony Blinken boasted of the Egypt solution, which he claimed was as generous of an offer as Israel could ever want. 
What Blinken, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, and President Joe Biden can’t seem to grasp is that Hamas, the terrorist organization that has never shown an ounce of willingness to end this war on Jews, is never going to accept any ceasefire. They rejected the offer. The Israeli government now has no other viable path in front of them other than to finish the job in Rafah, and take on Hezbollah and Iran directly, if necessary, after that. Biden foreign policy has failed spectacularly again. 
81% of voters under the age of 34 disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing, according to the latest CNN polling. 
Young voters are part of Democrats’ natural base of support, but Biden is actually 11 percentage points behind Trump among young voters 18-34 in a head-to-head match in a CNN poll conducted by SSRS and released over the weekend.
That ain’t all…
Biden is under water in every issue asked about in the CNN poll, according to Jennifer Agiesta, CNN’s polling director. Agiesta writes:
And his worst issue approval rating – for his handling of the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza – yields 28% approval to 71% disapproval, including an 81% disapproval mark among those younger than 35 and majority disapproval among Democrats (53%).
Asked whether they view Biden’s presidency as a success or a failure, 68% of younger Americans said it’s a failure, more than other age groups – and despite his high-profile efforts to address other issues of importance to young voters, including student debt relief.
And still, Joe Biden is silent. 
At the White House, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, the only person speaking for the president on camera over the last two weeks of campus uprisings, offered this analysis to a question from regime media about whether college campuses have gone off the rails.

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