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Debate Week: Two Time Loser Hillary Clinton Recalls Debating Trump and Biden


Hillary Clinton penned a guest editorial for the New York Times. She advises President Biden about the upcoming presidential debate on Thursday night.
It’s debate week and she has experience in debating both Biden and former President Trump. She wants desperately to remain relevant in American politics and this is a way for her to do that this week. We are never going to get rid of her, are we?
Is she really the best person to be advising on running for president, though? She didn’t bother to campaign in Wisconsin in 2016. That was pretty dumb for a person experienced in presidential campaigns since her husband ran and won twice. It’s not like Wisconsin is like Wyoming or some other predictable state. Wisconsin has a history of being a swing state.
Anyway, Hillary debated then-Senator Biden in 2008 during the Democrat primary. She debated Trump in 2016.
Hillary preens about her role as co-producer of «Suffs», the Broadway play about American suffragettes. Then she mentioned she loves shows about politics but «not the other way around.» Then she began to blast Trump.
She debated Trump three times in 2016. She claimed, «he unleashed a blizzard of interruptions, insults and lies that overwhelmed the moderators and did a disservice to the voters who tuned in to learn about our visions for the country — including a record 84 million viewers for our first debate.»
Let’s be real — viewers tuned in for the show Hillary pretends she didn’t want. Those who planned to vote already knew for whom they would vote. While Hillary took for granted typical Democrat voters, Trump was building new coalitions of voters, like the middle class. blue-collar working people who normally voted Democrat. Trump worked to appeal to everyone. It’s still how he campaigns.
Here is a paragraph I would describe as pure projection:
It is a waste of time to try to refute Mr. Trump’s arguments like in a normal debate. It’s nearly impossible to identify what his arguments even are. He starts with nonsense and then digresses into blather. This has gotten only worse in the years since we debated. I was not surprised that after a recent meeting, several chief executives said that Mr. Trump, as one journalist described it, “could not keep a straight thought” and was “all over the map.” Yet expectations for him are so low that if he doesn’t literally light himself on fire on Thursday evening, some will say he was downright presidential.

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