Домой United States USA — Financial Report: Pelosi Told Biden He Can't Win

Report: Pelosi Told Biden He Can't Win


The Good Ship Democrat has been springing enough leaks this week that some of the passengers are probably starting to congregate near the lifeboats. The latest comes to us from the office of former Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Reporters have revealed that Pelosi recently had a private conversation with President Joe Biden, attempting to explain to him that reliable polling shows that he can’t defeat Donald Trump in November and he could endanger many down-ballot Democrats in the process. Biden reportedly pushed back defiantly yet again, telling her that all the polls he’s been shown (that’s a key phrase) indicate that he can still win. Ever since Biden’s disastrous debate performance, Pelosi’s support of him remaining in the race has been tepid on the best of days — when she’s shown any at all — but it sounds as if she can see the clock running out and feels moved toward more direct action. (NY Post)
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told President Biden in a private conversation that polling indicates he can’t beat Donald Trump in the 2024 election, according to a report.
Pelosi also conveyed to Biden, 81, that his continued presidential re-election campaign could destroy Democrats’ chances of winning the House in November, four sources told CNN.
The California congresswoman referred to several polls showing that Trump would beat the incumbent during their private conversation, the report said.
As noted above, Biden reportedly pushed back, telling Pelosi that all the polling he’s seen has pointed to a successful re-election bid.

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