Домой United States USA — Political This Should Help: One W. Brown From San Fran Says Make Kamala...

This Should Help: One W. Brown From San Fran Says Make Kamala President Now


Welp. Since things are kinda rushed around these here parts, looks like there’s going to have to be a significant amount of rehabilitation and urban legend crafting done in a short amount of time.
With the Ides of July death squad fatally shivving the Biden campaign before they had bothered to make sure a replacement Caesar was locked on, Brutus Barack, Gaius Pelosinius, and the other conspirators are ruefully coming to the realization that, while ridding themselves of the doddering, demented old fool, they’ve trapped themselves with his younger and less.shall we say accomplished? Side kick.
All their pretensions of saving democracy by brutalizing it have fallen to the hall floor along with the paper-thin veneers disguising their panicked self-preservational motives.
Adam Schiff just told the Today Show there was no coordinated campaign to get Biden out and Harris in, which explains how 3,000 endorsements for Kamala came in after about 42 seconds following the Biden letter. Also, he lies like he breathes. John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) July 22, 2024
For all the machinations behind the scenes and talk of open convention and «democracy» in front of it, they’re stuck with Kamala now and can’t do squat about it.
Even Pelosi has done the requisite volte-face.
With immense pride and limitless optimism for our country’s future, I endorse Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States. I have full confidence that she will lead us to victory in November.
-NP pic.twitter.com/vBwv602GuR— Nancy Pelosi (@TeamPelosi) July 22, 2024
Now, the Democratic/progressive clean-up machine begins work on a presidential candidate who was never able to make it as far as the first primary on her own, she’s that bad.
California Sen. Kamala Harris is dropping out of the presidential race, citing a lack of funds. She informed her campaign staff of the decision on a conference call and later sent an email to supporters, in which she wrote «my campaign for president simply doesn’t have the financial resources we need to continue.»
Harris’ departure, two months before voting and caucusing begin in the presidential contest, marks an abrupt end to a campaign that, for much of the winter and spring, looked like that of a top-tier presidential contender.
«I’ve taken stock, and I’ve looked at this from every angle, and over the last few days, I have come to one of the hardest decisions of my life», Harris said in a video announcing her decision. «As the campaign has gone on, it has become harder and harder to raise the money we need to compete.»
The mainstream media is already in the works refurbishing her Vice Presidential reputation. As in, Republicans will «call her» the Border Czar, so be ready for that slur, gentle Dems.
There’s one small problem with that whitewash job if anyone has six cells more memory than Joe Biden.
She, well.was.
And she sucked at it, because she couldn’t be bothered. Much as she’s been a disaster at everything she’s been tapped by the Biden White House to do for the past three and a half years.
Kamala can’t be bothered to put in the work.

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