Домой United States USA — IT Windows Recall is coming back to PCs in October, as part of...

Windows Recall is coming back to PCs in October, as part of the Insider Program


It’ll be exclusive to testers on the Windows Insider Program
Microsoft’s controversial Windows Recall feature is coming back. The tech giant recently announced on its official blog that the feature will be made available to testers on the Windows Insider Program in October of 2024. Once ready, it will roll out to all Copilot Plus PCs, though no exact time frame was given.
To give you a quick refresher, Windows Recall was originally met with intense pushback when it was announced in May. It utilizes artificial intelligence to take screenshots of everything you do on a Windows 11 computer, aiming to keep a detailed record. A user could, for example, go back and locate lost files or remind them of past conversations.
The company assured everyone it was totally safe, but people weren’t buying it. They didn’t trust the brand due to their shoddy reputation of keeping user data secure.

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