OnePlus is reportedly working on the Ace 5 series of smartphones for the Chinese market. Reliable leaker Digital Chat Station claimed in a recent Weibo post that the Ace 5 lineup will be announced by late December or by early January in China. Today, the tipster took to Weibo again to leak the battery capacities […]
OnePlus is reportedly working on the Ace 5 series of smartphones for the Chinese market. Reliable leaker Digital Chat Station claimed in a recent Weibo post that the Ace 5 lineup will be announced by late December or by early January in China. Today, the tipster took to Weibo again to leak the battery capacities of the Ace 5 and Ace 5 Pro smartphones.
United States
USA — IT OnePlus Ace 5 Pro, Ace 5 may feature 6,500mAh battery with Snapdragon...