Домой United States USA — software Support for Windows Mail, Calendar and People apps will finish at the...

Support for Windows Mail, Calendar and People apps will finish at the end of this year as new Outlook elbows its way onto the center stage


What do you mean it’s new and scary?
Sad news for us all: Windows Mail, Calendar and People apps are not long for this world. Ok, I guess it’s only sad news for people who still use them on the daily, but these stalwarts of Windows will soon be off to live a new life on a farm—as from December 31 2024, Microsoft will be pulling the plug on support.
That won’t stop them from working entirely of course, but it will break functionality quite significantly (via Windows Latest). On New Year’s Day, 2025, you’ll no longer be able to send or receive emails using Mail and Calendar apps, although your old emails, events and contacts will still be exportable into «new Outlook», which has had a fresh and fancy revamp over, err, old and busted Outlook.

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