Домой United States USA — IT Apple Watch is getting the alarm fix we needed to stop driving...

Apple Watch is getting the alarm fix we needed to stop driving iPhone users crazy


Apple has finally fixed an Apple Watch issue that has annoyed users for years: Alarms will make noise after the watchOS 11.4 update.
I’ve been wearing Apple Watch models for years and never took them off silent. I don’t need the wearable to ding with every notification of the few that make it to the Apple Watch. Also, I don’t want it to make any noise while exercising or sleeping. The vibrations are enough to inform me that something needs my attention, another kilometer has gone by, or one of my morning alarms is going off.
The latter can be a great way to have an alarm wake you in the morning without sounds or without bothering others. It’s also a way to miss said alarm in some cases. I know people don’t appreciate this Apple Watch behavior when the iPhone’s alarms break silent mode.
Thankfully, Apple is fixing the problem via the watchOS 11.4 update that’s going to be released soon now that the RC version of the software is out.

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