Домой GRASP/Japan Japan’s Prince Akishino and Princess Kiko visit Hawaii to mark 150th year...

Japan’s Prince Akishino and Princess Kiko visit Hawaii to mark 150th year since first immigrant arrival


Prince Akishino, the second son of Emperor Akihito, and his wife, Princess Kiko, are visiting Hawaii for the first time. The Japanese royal couple are on O
HONOLULU – Prince Akishino, the second son of Emperor Akihito, and his wife, Princess Kiko, are visiting Hawaii for the first time.
The Japanese royal couple are on Oahu this week as part of a yearlong celebration for the 150th anniversary of the first Japanese immigrants arriving in Hawaii.
Akishino and Kiko will visit sites including the National Cemetery of the Pacific in Punchbowl and the Ehime Maru Memorial on Monday, which commemorates Japanese lives lost when a surfacing U.

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