Apple has certainly done its share of promoting Face ID. You might recall the commercial that showed a high school girl unlocking everything with just a glance. Other ads remind you that an Apple Pay transaction can be verified with the Face ID feature. A new commercial just posted by Apple shows why Face ID is so important since, like a fingerprint scanner, it can be used in lieu of
The new commercial shows a sold out concert hall. The well-dressed audience is focusing on the stage where two men are sitting on the opposite ends of a long table. A one-minute timer is suspended above them. The man on the left is apparently the host of a memory challenge, and says to the other guy, «Now, for your final memory challenge. This morning you created an online banking password. What is it?» The audience gasps.
As the clock is ticking down, the contestant is muttering to himself all of the possible passwords he can think of. Down to the last few seconds, he picks up his Apple iPhone X and stares at it. Suddenly, the answer hits him right in the face. Face ID opens the banking app! And then we see that this poor schlub was sitting in a coffee shop the whole time. Someone needs to check his wiring upstairs.
And as we say goodbye to this guy before someone Baker Acts him, the tagline reads, «Your face is your password.» You are sure to see an edited version of this while watching and the other shows you catch on television during the rest of the summer. But you are lucky. The entire non-edited version can be viewed by clicking on the video below.