Домой GRASP/Korea Ford Executive Named as US Envoy to North Korea

Ford Executive Named as US Envoy to North Korea


Stephen Biegun previously worked on National Security Council, advised lawmakers
U. S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has named Ford Vice President Stephen Biegun as Special Representative to North Korea.
The executive and former National Security staffer is joining the administration at a time of intense focus on U. S. efforts to force North Korea to dismantle its nuclear weapons program.
«It is a very timely moment for Steve to join the team and come on board,» Pompeo said.»He and I will be traveling to North Korea next week to make further diplomatic progress towards our objective.»
At Ford, Biegun oversees the carmaker’s international government relations. He also bring extensive government experience, with an appointment to the National Security Council during the administration of George W.

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