Домой GRASP/China Pence to ramp up criticism of China: Russian efforts 'pales in comparison'

Pence to ramp up criticism of China: Russian efforts 'pales in comparison'


Vice President Mike Pence is expected to deliver a speech Thursday calling out China over alleged efforts to influence American politics and policies. The Associated Press…
Vice President Mike Pence is expected to deliver a speech Thursday calling out China over alleged efforts to influence American politics and policies.
The Associated Press reported that Pence will heighten the Trump administration’s criticism of Beijing, and will cite an intelligence official who told him that Russian actions to influence American elections «pales in comparison to what China is doing across the country.»
“China wants a different American president,” Pence is expected to say in the speech at the Hudson Institute, according to excerpts of prepared remarks obtained by the AP.
“China is targeting U. S., state and local governments and officials to exploit any divisions between federal and local levels on policy,» Pence will reportedly say. «It’s using wedge issues, like trade tariffs, to advance Beijing’s political influence.

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