Домой United States USA — mix UN rejects first attempt to condemn Hamas

UN rejects first attempt to condemn Hamas


For the first time, a majority of UN member countries voted to condemn Hamas, but under General Assembly procedures, the measure failed to be officially approved.
«I want to take a personal moment and ask my Arab brothers and sisters: is the hatred that strong?» she asked from the Assembly rostrum before the vote. «Is the hatred toward Israel so strong that you’ll defend a terrorist organization, one that is directly causing harm to the Palestinian people? Isn’t it time to let that go? For true peace and security in the entire region, isn’t it time for both sides to let this go?»
In a statement, Hamas thanked the countries that voted against the measure, and called on «all states that supported the Israeli occupation and the Trump administration to reconsider their stance and rectify their historic and great fault against the Palestinian people.»
Hamas said the failure to pass the resolution was «a serious failure for the ‘bullying policy’ of the Trump administration adopted in the region.

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