Домой United States USA — Sport Warren Evans: In Washington, what Martin Luther King fought for is under...

Warren Evans: In Washington, what Martin Luther King fought for is under attack


Dr. King never dreamed of walls. He dreamed of tearing them down. If ever there was a time to draw on the wisdom, compassion and…
Dr. King never dreamed of walls. He dreamed of tearing them down.
If ever there was a time to draw on the wisdom, compassion and passion for justice exhibited by the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., now is unquestionably that time. Virtually everything that Dr. King fought and died for is under attack like never before.
When Dr. King was alive, it is no secret he butted heads repeatedly with President John F. Kennedy and then with President Lyndon Johnson, who ultimately delivered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. They certainly did not always agree on what needed to be done to correct the plague of racial discrimination, nor did they share the same sense of urgency. But few would argue that all three men loved this country and believed in the transformative power of its inherent promise to overcome the worst sins of our history.
More than a half century later after these landmark civil rights achievements, too many national leaders are pushing divisive and exclusionary agenda that hurts all Americans. Our President’s favorite rallying cry is to build a wall intended to deny desperate people a shot at a better life in the U. S. While Dr. King didn’t address immigration head-on in his lifetime, it is clear the modern, nativist hostility on display today flies in the face of his belief that “any law that degrades the human personality is unjust.

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