Домой United States USA — mix Battenfeld: Trump flinched… and Pelosi will dig in

Battenfeld: Trump flinched… and Pelosi will dig in


The president can try to hold some political rallies in friendly states, but they won’t have the same impact as the pomp and circumstance of the State of the Union.
President Trump’s surprising decision to surrender to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the State of the Union reflects a growing reality that the government shutdown is taking a steep political toll on the White House.
Trump could have easily escalated the feud with Pelosi and held the speech at an alternate site, or showed up at the Capitol, but instead offered a conciliatory gesture, agreeing to give the speech in the House chamber at a later date.
Conservatives are outraged by Trump’s decision, viewing it as capitulation and a sign of weakness. And they’re right. The State of the Union was Trump’s best chance to make his case, but he’s given that up — at least until the shutdown is over.

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