Домой United States USA — Science Seattle Mayor was unhappy CHOP people approached her house

Seattle Mayor was unhappy CHOP people approached her house


Chickens coming home to roost
While I was away, the situation at the Seattle CHOP (formerly CHAZ) zone didn’t improve noticeably. As John pointed out yesterday, it briefly looked like there would be some progress in attempting to retake control of Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood, but before construction crews could dismantle the barriers, the Mayor once again caved in and gave them more time. I’m not sure if the two incidents are directly related, but there was another notable turn of events on Sunday that didn’t draw quite as much attention. After Mayor Jenny Durkan announced that the city would finally be retaking control of the area and the abandoned East Precinct police station, the protesters and rioters became rather upset with her. This led to a march bringing the disruptive elements right to Durkan’s own home. And that was apparently a bridge too far because the Mayor felt she was being put in personal danger. (Washington Examiner, emphasis added)
A group of protesters marched to the home of Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan on Sunday afternoon, upset that she pledged to dismantle the police-free “Capitol Hill Organized Protest,” known as CHOP.
Seattle City Councilwoman Kshama Sawant joined a group of dozens of demonstrators gathered at Durkan’s home, holding signs, chanting, and demanding she leave the area alone or meet protesters’ demands…
Durkan’s office issued a statement on the protests, saying Sawant joined the protests “without regard for the safety of the Mayor and her family.

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