Домой United States USA — Criminal EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS: Portland PD Declares Riot, Works With Federal Officers To Battle...

EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS: Portland PD Declares Riot, Works With Federal Officers To Battle Rioters After Courthouse Fencing Is Torn Down


PORTLAND, Ore. — The Portland Police Department declared Saturday’s protest a riot after members of the crowd successfully tore down fencing in front of the…
PORTLAND, Ore. — The Portland Police Department declared Saturday’s protest a riot after members of the crowd successfully tore down fencing in front of the federal courthouse.
Saturday evening began with two crowds – one stationed in front of the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and another marching from Alberta Park. The two groups converged at the courthouse just after 11 p.m., with the Alberta Park group arriving as a standoff had already begun between protesters and federal officers.
Members of the crowd repeatedly launched fireworks over the fence where federal officers were stationed, according to Daily Caller reporters on the ground. In return, officers used crowd control munitions, including tear gas and pellet bullets.
The back-and-forth battle between crowd members and federal officers has been consistent each night, reporters on the ground said. The crowd has recently found more ways to combat officers, including chasing after tear gas canisters and tossing them back over the fence.
Earlier in the day, Craig Gabriel, assistant U. S. attorney for the District of Oregon, told reporters that officers would not engage with the protesters if the fence was left alone.

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