Домой United States USA — China China's Vision in a Post-COVID World — Global Research

China's Vision in a Post-COVID World — Global Research


On 13 July an international newscast reported that the European Commission will discuss as a priority on how the EU should react to China’s national security law for Hong Kong
Can you imagine! The audacity of the EC to even suggest debating on what should be the reaction of Europe on an entirely internal affair of Sovereign China? What would Europe, Germany, France, or any other EU member state say if China would comment on their EU-collective or individual sovereign internal affairs? – It’s not difficult to see the hypocrisy of the west, vis-à-vis the east, especially China and Russia. Or, in the words of RT: The economic sanctions imposed on China in the Huawei affair will be returned several-fold by Beijing. If the Queen Elizabeth goes too far, the Chinese Navy has more than what it takes to sink her. And if the three million Chinese arrive from Hong Kong, it is not immediately clear where they will be housed or where they will work in Britain’s broken economy. In fact, perhaps the most cunning plan would be for China to open the Hong Kong floodgates now and force London to own up to its words. Why is the west so much interested in Hong Kong? – Could it be that Hong Kong has been serving mostly western oligarchs and corporate and financial giants for illegal fiscal transactions, like money laundering and tax evasion? Why not shifting dubious financial transactions simply to Singapore? – Hong Kong is much closer still to the British Crown (until 1997), than Singapore which was dissolved as Crown colony in 1963, when it became a state of Malaysia, ending 144 years of British rule. In August 1965, Singapore became officially the independent Republic of Singapore. Since then Singapore has built up a strictly controlled financial and fiscal regime. This – just as an introduction to the Big Picture that China may want to keep in mind for their future economic policy and planning vision. The west cannot be counted on. The west, under the leadership of the dying Anglo-American empire is in its last breath hell-bent to stop, to destroy China’s economic advances – if it could. But it can’t. Mind you, China’s are fully legitimate economic advances that do no harm anybody, to the contrary, China keeps seeking peaceful cooperation with the west. A prime example is President Xi’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the New Silk Road – designed as bridge that spans the world with projects and initiatives intended to bring humanity closer together, developing jointly her economic potential, attempting to respect and better understand cultural differences and learn from the variety of their richness. A “win-win” for all. When SARS-2-Cov, later renamed by WHO to COVID-19 – was first discovered in Wuhan, China, Wuhan and Chinese authorities reacted immediately with a total lockdown, extending from Wuhan (11 million population) to the entire Hubei Province (60 million) – and subsequently beyond, covering the whole country. China’s reaction was decisive, immediate and with full discipline of the population. The origin of the “new” corona virus, is still debated, but all substantiated evidence leads to conclude that the virus originated outside of China and was transported to China in one way or another. Patient zero was with high probability somewhere in the United States and emerged likely sometime between August and October 2019. We also know about the 2010 Rockefeller Report that predicted a pandemic outbreak at the beginning of 2020 – with what the report calls “The Lockstep Scenario” – precisely what the world is living now and has been going through since the beginning of 2020, especially since the worldwide lockdown of everything in mid-March 2020. This already looks like a meticulously planned global “pandemic”. Something that has never happened since the existence of mankind- that a pandemic virus hits the world population at the very same time, at once. This in itself is already too much of a coincidence to be a natural occurrence. Now, add to this, Event 201 of 18 October 2019, sponsored by the Johns Hopkins University School of Health, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and the cream of the elite, the WEF (World Economic Forum), an event, whose key purpose was to computer simulate – yes, you guessed it – a corona pandemic that not only killed (by computer simulation) over a period of 18 months,65 million people, but also destroyed the stock market and by and large the world economy, leaving behind uncountable bankruptcies, untold misery, poverty, famine and desperation – a way of transferring wealth from the “grassroots” to the top. Doesn’t the current global economic annihilation that is uprooting the world as we know it, look very similar? From mid-March to mid-May 2020 – two intense Covid-months – US billionaires have added US$ 434 billion to their wealth, according to an CNBC report. And we haven’t even seen the tip of the iceberg yet in terms of bankruptcies, unemployment, misery and famine, nor in terms of asset transfers from the bottom to the top. Let alone what’s to follow over the coming one to three years. Whoever directs this “coincidental” covid-scenario, may have a multi-purpose in mind. For example, creating a new world economic paradigm of a fear-infested broken society of poverty and slavehood, led by a corporate financial elite – and, perhaps equally or more important – eliminating the perceived Chinese competition for world hegemony. Western perceived and propagated, of course. Devoid of reality. As China doesn’t have hegemonic ambitions. Never had such ambitions, as thousands of years of Chinese history indicate. It’s not part of her Tao philosophy. With the endless bashing of China, who could expect the west having the slightest idea of Chinese history and Taoism? China’s disciplinary lockdown wiped out – temporarily – more than two thirds of her production apparatus. Yet, this very lockdown and discipline was also what saved China from total disaster, as has happened in other countries, notably the US.

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