Домой United States USA — mix US to Top 5 Million COVID-19 Cases as Model Forecasts Nearly 300,000...

US to Top 5 Million COVID-19 Cases as Model Forecasts Nearly 300,000 Deaths by December


The US has documented nearly 60,000 additional novel coronavirus cases so far on Friday, bringing the Land of the Free ever closer to topping 5 million cases, which…
Early data figures released by a Johns Hopkins University tracker noted that the US had documented an additional 59,692 COVID-19 cases by early Friday, and that the nation had recorded 1,250 new coronavirus-related deaths — a steep drop thus far from Thursday figures which saw the US record over 2,000 deaths. Although the US as a whole has a COVID-19 test positivity rate of 7.75%, the same cannot be said for certain individual states such as Mississippi or Florida, which have reported a positive test rate of roughly 22% and 18%, respectively.

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