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Specification by Example: Looking Back…and Ahead


How far have BDD and specification by example come, and what’s the path forward?
Let’s be friends: Comment (0) Join the DZone community and get the full member experience. We’ve all heard the old saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” (in German, “Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte”). It’s trite, but it’s true. An image can cut through the crap and get everyone on the same page in an instant. In the software development world, examples carry the same power. That’s why I, like so many others, am a big fan of Specification by Example. Using terms from object-oriented programming, I’m aware that examples don’t fully describe rules – they are an “instance” of a rule. However, like images, examples make business logic tangible. That’s why they’re so great at helping team members to reach a mutual understanding. And – wait a minute – isn’t that exactly what functional test cases are? “Instances” of rules? I’ve been watching the Specification by Example community pretty closely these days, and I was excited to stumble upon Gojko Adzic’s great article “Specification by Example,10 years later.” Gojko, who literally wrote the book on Specification by Example ten years ago, ran an extensive research project predominantly focused on teams who use examples to capture acceptance criteria. There are tons of interesting findings there—I encourage you to give the complete write-up a close read. I’d like to speak to a few points that really stood out to me… If you talk to teams using Specification by Example approaches, you’ll almost certainly hear anecdotal evidence that it has helped them improved product quality. Gojko’s study quantifies this with compelling statistics.

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