Домой United States USA — Criminal Portland night 88: Riot declared as antifa sets fires around PPA building,25...

Portland night 88: Riot declared as antifa sets fires around PPA building,25 arrested


There have been more riots declared since federal police left Portland than in the 2+ months before.
While attention is focused on Kenosha, the nightly rioting continues in Portland. Last night’s riot was declared in record time after a mob of Antifa tried to set fire to the Portland Police Association building almost immediately after they arrived. The group, roughly 300 people, began a march from Arbor Lodge Park at North Delaware Avenue and North Bryant Street about 9:30p.m. They walked north directly to the Portland Police Association Building in the 1800 block of North Lombard Street. Among other things, the crowd chanted “burn it down.” Many in the crowd carried shields, wore helmets, gas masks, and body armor. Within minutes of the crowd arriving, people were seen going to the back of the building. Power to the building was cut and flames were seen shooting up the side of the building. The PPA office is located on the edge of a residential area with wood-frame houses. Dry summer weather exacerbated the fire danger. Due to the extreme life safety concerns, the incident commander determined that it was a riot. The urgency to extinguish the fire was extreme. Someone in the crowd appeared to pour some kind of accelerant on it as the fire exploded rapidly. Police said two fires were set simultaneously: There were actually two fires set virtually simultaneously. This fire was at the back of the building. pic.twitter.com/gQsXRoSZGS Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) August 25, 2020 With the riot declared, police pushed the crowd away from the building but as soon as the police retreated the crowd returned and tried again: Almost immediately people began to return.

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