Домой United States USA — Cinema American media beclowns itself again – mistakes fireworks in England for a...

American media beclowns itself again – mistakes fireworks in England for a celebration of Biden


«You ignorant imbeciles.»
An annual celebration that takes place in England that can last for several nights if it falls on a weekday happened on schedule this year. Guy Fawkes Night, also called Bonfire Night, coincided with the calling of the election by the American media over the weekend. American media outlets assumed that the fireworks displays overseas were in recognition of Biden’s victory. The media was wrong about that assumption and they should be ashamed of themselves. Americans are well aware that the media did the bidding of the Democrat Party to bring about a victory for Biden. More than 70 million American voters now consider the media’s declaration that Biden is the winner of the presidential election a premature one. There are legal challenges in several states that must play out now due to the appearance of irregularities (fraud) and this will likely take some time. President Trump is entitled to use the process to get to the bottom of the claims of Democrats brazenly stealing the election, mostly due to the high volume of mail-in ballots. The media is giddy with delight that Biden won, though, and they cannot contain themselves. Journalistic professionalism vanished during the Obama years when reporters took a nice long eight-year nap instead of doing their jobs. Then, President Trump came into office, and suddenly reporting on the sitting president was back in style. The crazier the story, the better. Legit news sources? We don’t need no stinkin’ on-the-record sources. Story after story used anonymous sources. Stories are often flat-out wrong. Yet, the media persists. So, when the media jumped the gun and their guy Biden declared victory, it is only normal that the media celebrated along with the Biden campaign. There was just one problem with all the festivities being reported. The fireworks that the networks were gushing over in London were not in joyful reaction to Biden’s election victory. The fireworks were in recognition of Guy Fawkes Night. Since 1606, Brits have celebrated November 5 as Guy Fawkes Night when Parliament so proclaimed the date.

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