Currently, one can buy only the ‘Kelvin Timeline’ films in 4K. The rest of the ‘Star Trek’ cinematic library is stuck in HD. When will that change?
Paramount Fans soon could see ‘The Motion Picture — Director’s Cut’ on 4K Ultra Hi-Def. The next big step forward in home entertainment is 4K. This number basically means that the film or television show in 4K is seen twice the resolution as HD. This is known as “Ultra High-Definition” and is available on some streaming platforms like Amazon Prime or Netflix. The 4K experience offers crisper images, better blacks and whites, and improved color overall.4K is to Blu-ray as Blu-ray was to standard definition DVDs — a massive upgrade. Right now, if a fan of “Star Trek” wanted to enjoy their favorite franchise in 4K, they would be limited to watching the Kevin Timeline movies — “Star Trek (2009),” “Into Darkness,” and “Beyond.” All of these titles were released on 4K Ultra High-Def discs in 2016. There is much discussion about this online in forums, with most saying that they’d likely purchase the entire 10-film collection of Trek films if they became available on 4K. There are even Twitter accounts that are dedicated to urging Paramount to make these films available for purchase. 4K UHD TV vs.1080p HDTV – Side by Side Comparison Some say Ultra HD 4K TVs are stupid, and they back up those claims with science-based assertions, claiming the human you can’t see the difference between Ultra HD and standard 1080P HD unless you’re nose is pressed against the screen. But on the other side of the divide, some are saying they’ve looked at Ultra… 2014-10-31T21:11:37Z It turns out that Paramount is “well aware” of the desire of fans to get their favorite Trek titles upgraded to 4K.