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Best Kindle 2021: which Amazon ereader should you buy?


Which is the best Kindle for you? We run you through every single model from Paperwhite to Oasis.
Ereaders are electronic reading devices meant to replicate the feeling of reading a book on a slim screen with storage for hundreds of texts within, and Amazon’s Kindle line is the top choice for many budding book fans. When it comes to finding the best Kindle, there are a few different options to choose from. The Amazon Kindle, Kindle Paperwhite, and Kindle Oasis are the current lineup of choices and each offer different features. It’s useful to know what they are to find the best ereader for you. With each Kindle suited to different purposes and needs, it’s a good idea to do a little research. For instance, the basic Kindle is best for casual readers as well as those on a tight budget (or who aren’t sure if ebooks are the right device for them yet). Alternatively, if you love to read in the bath or by the pool, there’s the waterproofed Kindle Paperwhite, which also has a sharper screen than the basic Kindle. If you’re a Kindle fanatic and money isn’t a problem, then there’s the Kindle Oasis. It’s the most lightweight option and provides improved back-lighting amongst other features, but it’s quite a lot more expensive. To further complicate things, new Amazon Kindles are expected soon as it’s been two years since the last Amazon Kindle refresh. If you’re happy to wait a bit longer, check our look at what to expect from the new Amazon Kindle along with the new Amazon Kindle Paperwhite and new Amazon Kindle Oasis. In the meantime, if you want a Kindle today, you’ll need to factor in what features you favor along with storage needs and connectivity options.

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