Домой United States USA — IT Do you need a streaming device if you have a smart TV?...

Do you need a streaming device if you have a smart TV? Absolutely, here's why.


You shouldn’t buy a TV based on its smart features. Find out why as we compare smart TV vs streaming device pros and cons.
It can even be tempting to choose a TV based on its smart UI. Theoretically, you’re spending less than you would by adding a separate streaming device, while simplifying the installation process to boot — no need for extra power, audio, network, or HDMI cables. You might also get instant integration with your phone or smart home platform of choice, and a good fallback if you do end up buying a stick or set-top. Raw power isn’t as important for media streaming devices as it is for, say, smartphones, but you still don’t want to be suffering through lagging UI animations or long-load times when jumping between apps and shows. Of course, the processors in smart TVs can’t be upgraded, whereas a dedicated streamer can be swapped out at will for a fraction of a TV’s price tag, often while sporting newer and faster chips. A TV’s native hardware will gradually become slower over time, whether because new features are added to the UI or because it’s forced to handle more demanding audio and video. Roku, for example, has introduced more visual flair to its UI over the years, including themes and animated screensavers. Older TVs can handle that with occasional hitching. More significantly, however, the same TVs can stutter during previews and buffering for apps like Netflix, and if they can handle 4K, it’s not necessarily a smooth experience. This is all also true for media streaming devices as they age, though the price delta means the cost of upgrading is far less painful than replacing your entire TV set. On a long enough timeline, it’s virtually guaranteed that a TV will lose smart features outright.

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