Домой United States USA — Political The Novak Djokovic saga has turned the spotlight on deep divisions in...

The Novak Djokovic saga has turned the spotlight on deep divisions in Australian society


Stephanie Myles writes that Serbian tennis superstar Novak Djokovic, a man in Australian limbo after his visa was denied on Wednesday, finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. With state and federal elections due this year, the high-profile Djokovic drama is an opportunity for politicians to show off their tough stance on Covid-19 rule-breakers — and it appears they are making an example out of him.
Had things gone according to Djokovic’s plans, he would have arrived in Australia Wednesday night and be out on Rod Laver Arena in the Melbourne summer sun by Friday at the latest, working out the kinks from the flight and preparing for the Australian Open. Instead, Djokovic spent Wednesday night at Tullamarine Airport. And he’ll spend at least the next four days at Melbourne’s Park Hotel, after apparently traveling to Australia on a visa that does not permit medical exemptions for the unvaccinated, according to comments Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison made to CNN. Djokovic,34, has not publicly revealed his vaccination status and has repeatedly cited privacy issues when asked. On Thursday, Morrison said in a news conference that Djokovic «didn’t have a valid medical exemption» to the vaccination requirement for arrivals. The multimillionaire tennis star is now a man in limbo, currently staying in a hotel used as an immigration detention center, and which has since become a magnet for protesters of all stripes — from Djokovic supporters to refugee advocates. Djokovic fans even got a wave and a «heart» sign from their hero, from behind the hotel-room window. But according to accounts from some asylum-seekers who have stayed there, the Park Hotel is a place of tiny rooms without fresh air and the location of a coronavirus outbreak in October. It’s where some occupants have waited years for a resolution to their cases. So there’s an irony in the fact that the hotel’s newest guest had his appeal of the canceled visa and deportation order fast-tracked to be heard in hours. Djokovic moved in on Thursday, and he’ll remain there at least four days after the hearing concerning his appeal of the cancellation of his travel visa was adjourned to Monday.

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