Домой United States USA — IT The Wordle Starter Words That Practically Guarantee a Winning Streak

The Wordle Starter Words That Practically Guarantee a Winning Streak


I think about Wordle way, way too much. My two-step strategy of starting with TRAIN and then trying CLOSE as my second word got me to a near-100 winning streak before I blew it a couple of months ago. I guessed VAULT instead of FAULT. Oops. My FAULT.
So I went back to the Wordle drawing board, deciding I needed to try a three-starter-word strategy. Usually guessing TRAIN and CLOSE as my first two words gives me a decent number of accurate letters that I just need to shuffle into the right spots. But sometimes it doesn’t. Then I’m staring blankly at a grid, with four guesses remaining and zero idea what to do.
TRAIN and CLOSE, my starter words, use all 10 of the 10 most commonly used letters in the Concise Oxford English Dictionary, according to Reader’s Digest. That’s pretty good, I thought. But where do I go from there, if that gets me nothing? For a while, I tried WHELM, thinking that W, H, L and M were all good consonants to get out of the way. It worked OK, but not great. I was under-WHELMED.Pumped about ‘UMPED’
But for the past month, I’ve been using this strategy:
First word…TRAIN
Second word…CLOSE (sometimes CLOSE gets me nothing, but those are big letters I can’t skip)
Third word…UMPED. Yes, «UMPED» is a word.

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