Домой United States USA — China It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s a Harmless Chinese Spy Ship!

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s a Harmless Chinese Spy Ship!


When did journalists stop asking hard questions and become nothing more than a tool for the U.S. government to spread the “official” story?
Oh wait, I remember. It’s when Donald Trump was booted out of office and Democrats took the helm. In every major story, you can ask yourself how journalists would handle it differently if Trump were still president instead of Joe Biden. The answers are self-evident.
Imagine it was Trump in the White House and … the president’s son had a laptop filled with information about secret deals with foreign adversaries. … Or that the administration identified parents at school board meetings as domestic terrorists. … Or that 600,000 migrants who streamed across the border were issued U.S. visas without so much as a citation or a court date. These are just a few of the current stories that so-called professional journalists have no interest in pursuing because a Democrat is in the White House.
But nothing better illustrates the incompetence of the Biden administration and the complete lack of professionalism of the American media than the spy balloon story. The more you learn about the Chinese Communist Party’s balloon excursion across the United States, it is inevitable that you ask, “Who is more incompetent? The U.S. military or the U.S. media?”
We are led to believe that the balloon first crossed U.S. airspace above the Aleutian Islands in Alaska on Saturday, Jan. 28, and the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, sent up fighter jets to check it out. Instead of shooting it down, the generals decided it was just a harmless balloon that would float above Alaska and … what? Disappear? Explode? Cross the Arctic ice cap and invade our mortal enemy, Russia?
Did the generals forget that there are nine military bases in Alaska, including a Coast Guard Base on Kodiak Island, the key defense facility at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, and the strategically invaluable Clear Air Force Station Base near Fairbanks? Apparently so, and they may have even forgotten that Alaska has been a U.S. territory since 1867 and a state since 1959. Otherwise, how do you explain that our Joint Chiefs of Uselessness had not notified the president, the nominal commander in chief, about the incursion into our airspace?
But even the see-no-evil generals must have been a little apprehensive when the balloon took a sharp right turn and headed toward Canada and then re-entered U.S. airspace over Idaho. That was on Tuesday, Jan. 31, when someone who had perhaps read the Constitution decided it was probably time to notify the White House.
From here it gets a little fuzzy. We are told that President Biden immediately ordered the Air Force to shoot down the balloon, but nothing happened. We don’t know if Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, decided to pull rank on Biden and call China with a “heads up” the way he had done with Trump when he reassured the Chinese he would let them know if President Trump sent an attack their way.

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