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Resident Evil 4 Chapter 13: Wharf to Incubation Lab


Our Resident Evil 4 remake Chapter 13 walkthrough will make sure you don’t miss any items in the Wharf, Dissection, Freezer, and Incubation Lab.
Resident Evil 4’s 13th chapter finds Leon on the Island he and Ada were headed for at the end of Chapter 12.
Our Resident Evil 4 remake Chapter 13 walkthrough will make sure you don’t miss any items from the beginning of the chapter through the Wharf, Surveillance, Facility Storage, Utilities, Dissection, Freezer, Systems, Incubation Lab, and Holding Cell.
Throughout this walkthrough, we’re not going to mention every item that anyone (or anything) you shoot drops — if you kill something, look for a loot drop.
Also, there’s a little randomness to the contents of crates based on your inventory and weapons, so you probably won’t find the exact same things listed below. The crates and barrels themselves will always be in the same locations, though. And all other items — keys, collectibles, and resources not found in crates — should be the same.Go after Ashley
When you get control of Leon on the beach, start climbing the rocks ahead of you. You’ll come to a binocular vista on the other side.
Follow the path into the tunnel on the right. Around the corner, you’ll run into your first laser sensor and auto-turret. If you cross the laser, you’ll get shot. A lot.
Since you can’t do anything about it, keep to the right. Cross the bridge and take the first right. At the end of the path, look at the headstone to get the Eroded Cave Epitaph file. Climb the rocks on your left to find two crates with pesetas, a heavy grenade, and handgun ammo.
Follow the path back and take the next right (to the north) to find the Merchant.
You can sell the Cubic Device now, and the Lip Rouge from Salazar is worth 24,000 pesetas.
The Merchant is selling a new magnum, the Killer7, and there’s a new Case Upgrade (9 x 13). Definitely pick up the case upgrade if you can, and consider selling the Broken Butterfly to buy the Killer7.Wharf
When you leave the Merchant, take the next right. Follow that tunnel to the end to turn the auto-turret so you can pass. Head back and drop into the lower tunnel to do so.
When you get to the beach, things get a little interesting. There are a series of auto-turrets and spotlights to deal with, and there are a handful of (basically zealot) soldiers who can also spot you. Ideally, you’d sneak through the Wharf without getting spotted — and it’s possible if you have enough rifle ammo to snipe the soldiers from a distance. But it’s more likely you’ll get spotted, so, instead, let’s talk about what happens when it goes wrong.
First, the alarms will sound and you’ll get a quick cutscene of a boar-headed brute with an automatic crossbow on his left arm. And then, a lot of soldiers are going to come attack you.
The best place to take on this attack is right at the beginning of the Wharf — there’s only one way to get to you and you’ll have good angles to deal with the soldiers. Most of the soldiers will stream in from directly ahead of you — including the brute — and climb through the window, creating a good choke point. You will need to watch for two pairs of soldiers (one arbalist and one with Molotovs) on the roofs to your left.
When the dust settles, walk forward and vault the window to get inside that first building (or you could walk around to the right, but that’s no fun). Take a left and snake back toward the shore where you’ll find a barrel with handgun ammo.
Take a left and loop back the first auto-turret, then hit the button to redirect it. On your way back to the first building, open the chest (the auto-turret was pointing at it before) for a Pearl Bangle. Climb the ladder to the roof of the first building.
Redirect the auto-turret on the roof with you. Look above it to see the pair of spotlights on the roof of the building across from you. Shoot them — make sure you hit the face and not the casing — to save yourself some trouble later. Drop off the roof and cross the street to grab the red herb there. Vault the window on your right and smash the crate inside for some rifle ammo. Outside, there’s another barrel in the middle of the Wharf on a raised platform with more handgun ammo.
Cut to the left and stick to the wall. The path will lead you around to the back of a building. Climb the ladder to the roof and pick up the handgun ammo on the sandbags there. Drop off and duck into the building to find a crate with more handgun ammo.
Outside, stick to the left and follow the path to another auto-turret to move.
Backtrack along the same route all the way back to the beginning. With the auto-turrets moved, you’ll be able to take the right path out of that first building and up the stairs to exit the Wharf. Push through the doors.Surveillance
Inside, follow the tunnel right. You’ll run into a pair of soldiers and then find two barrels with handgun ammo.
Keep following the path through some more soldiers. When you come to an intersection, go straight to find a crate with pesetas. Turn around and climb the ladder on the left.
At the top, you’ll have to deal with a patrolling soldier arbalist. Go smash the barrels on the left for pesetas and handgun ammo.
To the right, you’ll have to deal with some better equipped zealots called soldiers. They’re carrying metal riot shields that you can’t destroy and some are wearing metal helmets.

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