Домой United States USA — Art Detroit artist buys a bus to host painting parties on wheels

Detroit artist buys a bus to host painting parties on wheels


LaShay Heard started her business, Paint’d Party Services, in 2019 after working for a few years in face painting at paint parties.
Shawn Walker, 2, paints on canvas next to her stepsister Nina Thompson, 17, inside of the Paint Bus during a painting session for Caleb’s Kids’ family fun day at the Durfee Innovation Society in Detroit on Friday, April 7, 2023.
Junfu Han, Detroit Free Press
Shawn Walker, 2, paints on canvas next to her stepsister Nina Thompson, 17, inside of the Paint Bus during a painting session for Caleb’s Kids’ family fun day at the Durfee Innovation Society in Detroit on Friday, April 7, 2023.
Junfu Han, Detroit Free Press
LaShay Heard is a Detroit mother, an artist, an entrepreneur, a business owner, and a future criminal defense attorney.
Heard started her business, Paint’d Party Services, in 2019 after working for a few years in face painting at paint parties.
Like most startup businesses, it’s a bumpy ride. The first paint party she hosted was at Kemeny Recreation Center, with 10 canvases, and only five people showed up. She did not quit. The pandemic hit while she was looking to purchase a brick-and-mortar art studio; buildings were still expensive and a lot of her friends were going out of business.

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