Домой United States USA — software Owner of 'magic spreadsheet' tried to stay in the Lotus position until...

Owner of 'magic spreadsheet' tried to stay in the Lotus position until forced to Excel


Sometimes legacy systems must be preserved to safeguard a vital function. This was not one of those times
who, me? Welcome once again dear reader, to the sanctuary of sympathy we call Who, Me? where tales of technical derring-do are shared alongside stories of derring-at-least-you-tried.
This week meet a reader we’ll Regomize as «Randi» who worked in financial services. Among his colleagues was a product manager who jealously guarded his PC, and would not allow it to be upgraded – or indeed touched – by anyone but himself.
Since the product manager’s performance for the company was deemed more than satisfactory – performance at least partly attributed to the magical spreadsheet he had on his PC – this behavior was tolerated. For a time.
Unfortunately, as often happens, time moved on. The point came when the firm could no longer accept an ancient, un-upgradeable PC on the network.

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