Домой United States USA — Cinema Judi Dench Admits She 'Can't See on a Film Set'

Judi Dench Admits She 'Can't See on a Film Set'


Earlier this year, Judi Dench revealed how difficult it had become to learn her lines, as her deteriorating eyesight had made it too hard to read scripts. Now, the 88-year-old.
Earlier this year, Judi Dench revealed how difficult it had become to learn her lines, as her deteriorating eyesight had made it too hard to read scripts. Now, the 88-year-old Oscar-winning actor tells the Mirror she «can’t see on a film set anymore,» though it doesn’t appear that she’s ready to throw in the towel on acting completely. «You just deal with it,» Dench says of her macular degeneration, adding that even though she hasn’t «yet found a way» to totally compensate for her waning vision, she wants to keep working «as much as I can.» The Guardian notes Dench has long been forthcoming about her struggle with the incurable eye disease, and she isn’t signaling that she plans on holing up in her home in the wake of this news. «I have an irrational fear of boredom,» she tells the Mirror, revealing she has a new tattoo that reads «carpe diem.

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