Домой United States USA — IT James Webb Space Telescope captures stunning images of the Ring Nebula

James Webb Space Telescope captures stunning images of the Ring Nebula


NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has recorded breathtaking new images of the iconic Ring Nebula, also known as Messier 57.
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has recorded breathtaking new images of the iconic Ring Nebula, also known as Messier 57.

The images, released today by an international team of astronomers led by Professor Mike Barlow (UCL, U.K.) and Dr. Nick Cox (ACRI-ST, France), with Professor Albert Zijlstra of The University of Manchester, showcase the nebula’s intricate and ethereal beauty in unprecedented detail, providing scientists and the public with a mesmerizing view of this celestial wonder.
For many sky enthusiasts, the Ring Nebula is a well-known object that is visible all summer long and is located in the constellation Lyra.
A small telescope will already reveal the characteristic donut-like structure of glowing gas that gave the Ring Nebula its name.
The Ring Nebula is a planetary nebula—objects that are the colorful remnants of dying stars that have thrown out much of their mass at the end of their lives.
Its distinct structure and its vibrant colors have long captivated the human imagination and the stunning new images captured by the JWST offer an unparalleled opportunity to study and understand the complex processes that shaped this cosmic masterpiece.
Albert Zijlstra, Professor in Astrophysics at the University of Manchester, said, «We are amazed by the details in the images, better than we have ever seen before.

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