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How To Join All Starfield Factions


Want to join a Faction in Starfield but don’t know how? We are here to save the day and tell you everything you need to know.
Starfield’s world is vast is an understatement. With its procedurally generated world, there is so much content that one can spend hundreds of hours and they will barely scratch the surface. With everything else, Starfield also features Factions for you to join.
Factions, as one might expect is a group of like-minded individuals who follow the same fundamental principles. They are a huge part of Starfield and every major faction features a whole new storyline that you can follow to earn credits, XP, and so much more.
With five major and multiple minor factions, joining each of them is also a task that you are going to have to undertake. This guide covers every aspect of how you can join any faction in Starfield. Can you join multiple (all) factions in Starfield?
Yes, you can join multiple or all factions simultaneously in Starfield. With an abundance of storylines to explore, factions are a whole other realm that remains untapped for the most part in the main storyline.
Although you can independently explore each one of your own free will by joining them. There is no restriction to how many you can be a part of at any moment in time.
There will be times when your decisions made in one faction will affect your position in another faction. Although this is unlikely but still a possibility.
Joining one faction will not automatically kick you out of another one. You can follow multiple storylines at the same time if you can handle it. How to join a faction in Starfield
Joining a faction in Starfield means that you have to pledge your loyalty to it and only then they will let you in. You cannot just declare yourself a member of a faction but you will have to go through some kind of quest.
Every faction is inherently different from each other and so does the method to join them. Some require you to complete a full-fledged questline while others just ask you to meet the person in charge and you are good to go.
To help you through the process of joining a faction of your choice, we have mentioned the methods to join all of them below.
United Colonies
Crimson Fleet
Freestar Collectives
Ryujin Industries
Others How to join the Constellation faction
Constellation is the first faction you will be introduced to when you start the main campaign in Starfield. Also, this is the only faction you will have to join to progress in the story.
Constellation is a group of enthusiastic explorers with their base of operations on Earth in the “Sol” Star system. Their main focus is to unravel the secrets of the cosmos and find lost artifacts from all over space.
You pretty much automatically join this faction while doing the second mission of the main storyline, The Old Neighbourhood. The aim of the quest is to locate and rescue Moara, a member of the faction.
You will go from planet to planet, battling Zealots on your way, and then finally you will be able to locate Moara and the artifact that you were looking for.
After you are done with that, return to Atlantis where the head office of Constellation is located. Having a chat with Sarah will wrap things up and you will now become an official member of the faction.How to join the United Colonies (UC) faction
While you are roaming around in The New Atlantis, you might as well sign up for United Colonies also known as the U.

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