Домой United States USA — software You’ll never play every part of Baldur’s Gate 3 — that’s where...

You’ll never play every part of Baldur’s Gate 3 — that’s where TikTok comes in


Baldur’s Gate 3 fan videos are shining a light on variations in the character playthroughs that even the most hardcore players may never see in dialogue trees.
Baldur’s Gate 3 has become more successful than anyone could have predicted; players are still excitedly chattering about the game even weeks after release, when many have completed the campaign and seen the story’s end. Part of this is the game’s dizzying depth, with tons of detail for fans to pore through.
Another part of the game’s continuing success and prominence on social media is simple: the game is full of moments that clip really well into a montage on YouTube or joke on TikTok. In my experience, Baldur’s Gate 3 is never far from mind — I just have to look at my social media feeds to find clips and conversations everywhere.
TikTok clips are a great way to catch glimpses of the game that I probably wouldn’t encounter otherwise. Some of these are heartbreaking; players will capture conversation options that only happen if you play a particularly self-centered or unkind Tav. The isolated bits are compelling, and often enough for me to think about picking the game back up just to see how things could culminate like that.

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