Домой United States USA — Criminal Justice Alito to Senate Dems: Kiss My Pine Tree Covered Asterisk

Justice Alito to Senate Dems: Kiss My Pine Tree Covered Asterisk


Maybe the man didn’t EXACTLY say that. I might have employed a little poetic license, but come on now — the effect is the same.
He said «no» to politely worded requests for recusal in a couple kind of important cases coming up that Dems would dearly love to puncture the conservative court majority in any way they could.
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito on Wednesday rejected Democratic lawmakers’ requests that he recuse himself from key cases related to former President Donald Trump and the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot following reports that flags linked to Trump’s supporters were flown at his properties.
Alito said in two letters to the lawmakers that he had “nothing whatsoever to do with the flying of” an upside-down U.S. flag at his Virginia home days before the inauguration of President Joe Biden.
Alito also said he had “no involvement” in flying a flag bearing the “Appeal to Heaven” symbol in the backyard of his vacation home in the summer of 2023.
Rather, he said in the letters, his wife was “solely responsible” for putting up the flagpoles and flying “a wide variety of flags over the years.”
“My wife is fond of flying flags. I am not,” Alito wrote.
And it was Dick Durbin and Sheldon (Only) White(s in the club)house who sent the letter to begin with. Lord — the jokes write themselves.
BREAKING: Justice Alito just denied Senator Durbin and Whitehouse’s demand that he recuse himself from the Trump J6 case over the upside down flag his wife flew outside their house because of a dispute with their neighbor pic.twitter.com/9TeR190SaT— Greg Price (@greg_price11) May 29, 2024
It was kind of a personal response to such an obvious power play though. I mean, can’t the man control his wife when she gets fired up?
In the letter Justice Alito provides additional details about the flag-flying incidents.

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